Friday, March 29, 2013

Long Time No See "Blog Neglecter"

So, maybe I'm not cut out to be a blogger.  Christmas was a long time ago.  We've had Anna Beth and Sammy's birthday, New Year's, Valentines Day, a mini Nashville vacation, lots of fun stuff and not so fun stuff, and now we are up-to-date with Spring Break.  What better way to spend Spring Break than a day at the zoo.  I took two days off at the end of the kids' Spring Break.  We chose Thursday for our zoo day.  Good thing, cause it rained on Friday.  We headed out with our first stop at Chick Fil A for chicken minis.  The drive to the zoo was filled with conversation and teaching the kids about Holy Week.  I went through the days starting with Palm Sunday.  The kids know the story well of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowd waving palm branches and saying "Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord"!  I explained Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper as well as Jesus praying in the garden.  Then on to Good Friday and the crucifixion and then the Resurrection.  Nothing thrills me more than telling my children about Jesus, even more when they are able to tell the story back to me and know that it is truth and not just a story.  I've prayed like a mad woman for their salvation and will be one proud Mommy (and a blubbering mess) the day they walk the aisle to experience salvation for themselves.

Now, on to the zoo!!!

This picture makes me laugh!!!
Spring is taking its sweet time this year!
She wanted to know if she looked like a teenager.  I chose not to answer.
Rece has a love for maps...we usually stop at every single map at the zoo.  :) 
I love this kid.  This is what I get when I ask him to "say cheese".  I'm thinking he looks a tad bit like his Daddy.
And...last but not least, the squirrel in the garbage can.  We watched him dive in and out of there.  Must have gotten some good picnic leftovers!
We also saw the new Sting Ray Bay exhibit.  All of those pics are on my iPhone (I'm sure I'll end up putting them on Facebook).  It was very wet and splashy in there and I was just a little leery of my camera getting wet or ending up on the back of a sting ray!
Easter is Sunday.  I love reflecting on what God did for us in sending His Son and reflecting on Jesus so willingly sacrificing His life.  I'd like to say I will have an Easter post with lots of pics coming soon.  Don't hold your breath!!

XOXOXO~ The Billings

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